In word, enter decimal unicode values with alt+ unicode decimal value [and press enter if necessary such as at work]

in word, enter hexidecimal unicode values by typing the hexidecimal value then pressing alt+x

unicode in Excel

  For .HTML use the decimal value such as 8592 for the tag so
rather than the hexadecimal value which would be x2000ish

Word uses decimal values, so for example type 9094 for the enter symbol as opposed to the hexidecimal x2386 value some web pages indicate


link to nearly complete list of unicode characters though some like 9989 are not listed

html math characters (scroll to bottom of main panel) and many others

←     alt + 8592 left arrow
→     alt + 8594 right arrow

✌   peace sign x270C

Bluetooth logo can be approximated by making a liguature of 2 characters
in word
select both characters that are now Segoe UI Historic 11pt
choose home->font's lower right expander->advanced->spacing condensed by 4
they don't line up perfectly as the angles seem different on the right side, but pretty close


✅ - green check alt+9989
❌ - red x alt+10060
❓ - red question mark alt+10067

☑ alt+9745
☒ alt+9746
∈ alt+8712
(Cambria Math font "Element Of" aka "member of")
∉ ∉ alt+8713 (Cambria Math font "Not an Element Of" aka " not a member of")
x alt + 119909 (Cambria Math font "Mathematical Italic Small x"


ALT+9166 RETURN KEY SYMBOL (Cambria Math Font)

ALT+9094  ENTER SYMBOL technically the one from the keypad

␢ - alt + 9250 = “blank symbol” aka "substitute blank" - found in only a few fonts such as Lucinda Sans Unicode

-alt + 9251 = “open box” - found in only a few fonts such as Lucinda Sans Unicode

Other whitespace characters


§ - alt + 0167  

é – alt+0233 for use in the term Intersystems Caché
É - alt+0201  for use in the term Intersystems CACHÉ

① alt+9312





10102 in the label maker app, using Segoe UI makes it tough to read the number, so use Segoe UI Semibold 6pt instead to match the size of Consolas 8pt

alt+10122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31    msgothic font version looks good

9451 where are 0-9?



⭍ 11085

🂫 127147


  webdings 9094

  ALT + 9988 = scissors